Endless Space 2 Terraforming

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The Dust (ES2 Remix) 5. Bleu Argon (ES2 Remix) 6. Terraforming (ES2 Remix) 7. Falling Night Stars (ES2 Remix) 8. The Endless (ES2 Remix) 9. Deafen Dawn (ES2 Remix) Original soundtrack from the DLC Endless Space 2: Harmonic Memories, the 4X space-strategy game created by Amplitude Studios. Endless Space 2 is published by Sega on PC. View the Mod DB Community Mod Project for Endless Space 2 image Vanilla Terraforming Tree. Endless Space 2 is the fourth game in the Endless Space series, and a soft reboot of the first game. The various races of the galaxy are trying to build empires that are worthy successors to that of the the Endless.From humble beginnings on a single planet, it's the player's job to guide your chosen species to supremacy over the entire galaxy, by any means you deem necessary. Climate Engineering is a technology on the Science and Exploration technology tree. It unlocks one System Improvement in Punctured Evolution Foundation and one Planetary Specialization in Advanced Terraforming. 'The technology to alter long-term weather systems at the planetary scale is an incredibly complicated process that marries insights into stochastic methods, cloud dynamics, solar.

  1. Endless Space 2 Terraforming Guide
  2. Endless Space 2 Terraforming Chart
  • Best of luck!

    Just hope my initial coding for the orbital entrenchment was ok!

  • Between the new ES patch and this mod I am looking forward to playing ES again, it beats CIV5 now. I like ALL the ideas you've incorporated and hope some of the ideas end up in the actual game(color coding being #1!) Thanks.

  • Thank you EvilTactician and everyone else who contributed to this mod. I hope to see it grow and get better, almost perfect…

    Thank you again.


  • Thank you for this mod, really makes an enjoyable game even better :)

  • Is this mod compatible with 1.0.46? I ask cause planetsize terraforming doesn't work it changes the size of the planets but not the population also a slightly more major thing the AI builds no combat fleets (only scouts and colonists) and they stockpile dust.

  • Loaded the save and tried the Terraforming again and it did not increase pop cap HOWEVER started a new game without crowded planet trait (+2 tiny/small +1 medium) and now it does work so either I'm missing something or the trait and Terraforming does not work together.

    Also tried some of the 'fixes' from the forum thread no luck yet with AI fleets.

    I did notice something interesting though, the original ships the ones that one starts with as well as the original designs do not have your weapons/defense but rather vanilla modules not sure if that has anything to do with it…

    I will keep trying somehow i will find a way to play this mod I'm really looking forward too it :)

  • Great mod! Brilliant! Its a must to have it! Unfortunatelly i had downgraded to version 1.4.9 due to no AI fleets problem.
    Anyway, speaking about new ideas, how about moon creation technology? Can you guys do something with heroes? Simply most of them are useless in vanilla version.
    Finally I wanna ask, does exist any community modding site for endless space, I mean something like Nexus modding comunnity site? I think it would be great idea to talk to them to start endless space modding site on Nexus. Somethink tells me they don't mind…
    Thanks again!

  • Seems like there is a little problem with the Sowers. They have an unique technology 'exotic thermodynamics' which lacks an ability to increase planet size from medium to large, preventing them from enlarging all the planets in the universe :)

    // Enlarge your tundra

  • Update to my previous comment (don't think that this update needs to be approved and posted though).
    Indeed, there is missing block in 'SimulationTechnologyExpansion.xml'. Comparing with original .xml there should be added something like this:




  • Damn… Styles won't go through the posting form. Well, ok, just will post it here: http://udginvr.mass.hc.ru/tmp/TechnologyExpansion.xml

  • What does the modification to power in some of the hulls do?

  • Hi
    I'm getting an issue that when I start a new game an error message pops up and when I click to continue playing there is no universe, only the background.
    Pls help, thanks

  • Thanks for a great mod :D

    I just wonder if this mod is updated to latest version of ES? Intel gma x3100 driver download.

  • Well this mod doenst work on Disharmony expansion!

    everytime i get a nullpointer error and the game freezes.

  • I followed all the instructions, but every time I load the game, I do not see the mod at all, only the classic (version 1.1.17). Is there anything else I can do??

  • I see that this excellent mod is not updated to the new versions of ES such as Disharmony, but will it be or is this a dead project?

    • http://www.manapool.co.uk/ Evil Tactician

      Whilst I can understand that an abandoned mod can be quite frustrating (I'm a gamer too in the end), please do bear in mind that no modder is ever obliged to update their mod or well, to do anything at all. Whilst I am currently updating it (finally, I know.) so far this has taken me over 20 hours and I expect to put another 20 in just to get the mod fully compatible in a way I'm happy with. It's by no means a small task and it requires an amount of free time which I simply didn't have in the last few years.

      Long story short, a small amount of appreciation is appreciated. I'm am however updating the mod as I had no idea it would become as popular as it did and I feel bad for it being in the state that it is. Bear with me.

  • Just started a game with this, event text seems to be missing from events now. Any way to fix that?

    • I can't really see why the mod should have caused that, but easiest way would be to wait for the new update, which is coming soon.

  • how can i change the weapon tier every weapon is stuck to lvl 1 . is it a part of the game or a bug

    • The mod is not compatible with the game version you are trying to run it with. I'm currently looking at resolving this.

  • This is a rather late response, but I will look at resurrecting this, provided that is doable as a lot of things changes since I made this mod.

  • http://www.manapool.co.uk/ Evil Tactician

    Great point and absolutely an oversight in 1.5, I will correct this for 2.0 – which is coming, I promise!

  • A really late reply, but I wanted to address this nevertheless. I'm a fair bit more knowledgeable now and I think I know what happened in both instances.

    Terraforming: When increasing planet size, it essentially ceases to be a tiny or small planet – and thus will lose the associated bonuses from the trait. I may have to change the trait so you get a bonus on any planet, otherwise the trait will become pretty useless in this mod.

    E.g. Terraforming a Tiny Planet to a Small planet, gives you whatever the size increase is from that but DROPS one population from your trait, as the planet is now small (+1 bonus) instead of tiny (+2 bonus)
    Terraforming again to Medium, will make you lose the trait bonus altogether.

    This means the trait would only be useful in the early to mid game, after that it will lose all value as you can ‘simply' increase the planet size. That's a byproduct of the game mechanics I'm afraid.

    For the original ships, the weapon and defense modules in Imperium Aeterna 1.5 and earlier are ‘unique' as far as the game code is concerned. The ‘old' ones still existed too and I never updated the modules that the starter ships came with. It's a really good spot!
    I'm rewriting most of the code when it comes to combat and modules in the next few releases, so these kind of issues should stay in the past.

  • Version 2.0.0 has been released. This enables compatibility with Disharmony 1.1.58 (the latest version). Classic is NOT supported, by now everyone should have the DLC really and we don't want to support two versions at the same time, given how fundamentally different the game is in Disharmony.

    We are also working on the next version of the mod. Expect more weapons, more defense modules, more balancing and quite possibly a few entirely new features.

  • Version 2.1.0 has been released.

    => Tweaked Diplomatic AI to lessen the Frenzied and Illogical Aggression in Disharmony.
    => Overhauled Diplomatic Relationship progression and added 2 more relationship statuses.
    => New icons for Planet Expansion Terraformations, created by bigbantha.
    => New icons for Planet Creation, created by Cosmocrat.
    => Added Planet Colours to Tier V Planets (Gas Giants and Asteroids) for consistency.
    => Added Planet Colours to Xenotourism Agencies Tooltip for consistency.
    => Added Planet Colours to Deep Space Facility Tooltip for consistency.
    => Added Planet Colours to Colonization and Terraformation Tooltips.

  • Version 2.2.0 has been released.

    => Added Gaia Planets and Gaia Terraformation.
    => Added Unique Planet 'Aeterna', with its own Wonder, Temple and Events.
    => Added 62 New Anomalies from Tiaximus' fantastic Anomaly Overhaul.
    => New icons for Orbital Technologies and their improvements, created by bigbantha.
    => Orbital Trade Hub bonus '+1 Population' changed to '+1 Trade Route'.

    • http://www.manapool.co.uk/ Evil Tactician

      Pretty much the same instructions, except you find the right folder here:

      Go to 'User LibraryApplication SupportEndless SpaceDisharmony'

      All other steps should be pretty much identical, just the location of the modding folder is different :-)

  • Hey, great mod so far, but is it normal that i have only one phase working in manual space battles, the 2 lasting rounds, both side don't shoot anymore, is it part of the change in the combat ? Or is it just a 'graphical' problem ?

    • All phases should be working fine – if this isn't the case, could you please visit our mod forum at http://www.imperium-aeterna.co.uk and report the bug. Please include a save game and a detailed description of the issue.

      It would be very helpful to know what weapons you and the opponents were using, as well as the battle cards played.

      I've heard of this issue before in another mod, but never in Imperium Aeterna. Are the ships still receiving damage? Perhaps it's an issue with rendering the visual FX on your computer?

  • Hi, this mod looks great, but every turn i am forced to assist a random battle that im not involved… only option is to go to desktop… this bug
    is irritating…

    • the battle is between 2 Hunters and a scout! thats not mine…

  • Hello nice Mod! Small question did someone have translated the xml files in French ?

    • Hi Eric,

      This is quite an old mod now, and I don't believe it was ever translated to French. I was working on additional features and do have more assets, balancing, events, etc. in a development version but I got stuck on something and the developers (Amplitude) promised to provide some assistance/answer but then never did. As a result I had to abandon the work. It was quite disappointing, really.

      • Ok sad news anyway I don't play anymore and believe all works now is on endless 2. This is some sort of big mod merging anyway

  • Hi, I'm just wondering if there's a place where you guys have posted, in detail, the exact things that the mod adds? I want to be able to know exactly how the AI diplomacy was changed, the exact anomalies and what they do that were added, etc etc. Thanks in advance!

  • Very late to the Endless Space party, but I made it. This game is so much fun I may buy Endless Space 2 as well. Thanks for the mod.

  • Heya if any one is reading this i found a bug. The enemy cant use the tactical cards (eg weapon overlock or retreat) if theres any fix to it please reply

Endless Space 2 Terraforming Guide

Endless Space 2 Terraforming

Endless Space 2 Terraforming Chart

  • 8bawl

    Great guide, even better tables! A very good start for those that are new.

  • Excellent guide. Vastly superior to the weak one stickied at the official forums.

  • Andrew Rusling

    Thank you for the guide, it was helped to kick start my time with Endless Space which I am really enjoying.

    I am a confused by your notes around terraforming.

    For example to target Science you recommend ending up with an Ocean planet for the best Science output. However the first table has these values for Science output by planet type: Barren 6, Arctic 9, Tundra 10, Ocean 8. Which seems to indicate the Tundra would be the best planet type. If I look at the exploits, then Arctic (9 + 5 = 14) would be the best over Ocean (8 + 5 = 13).

    Can you please explain the reasoning behind the recommendations by output type?

  • Nice guide. One thing I'd add is that the system you choose to make your ship building one – make sure it has lots of raw materials related to ship building.

    1) Those resources increase production per citizen.
    2) Otherwise, it's too easy for a couple enemy fleets to blockade your resources on other planets from reaching the production planet; then you can't make ships.

    One last tip to call out for beginners is to remove victory conditions that you aren't pursuing while you're learning the ropes. If you know you aren't going to go Wonder victory, remove it so that the AI doesn't sneak a win in before you can develop your endgame strategies and close out a game.

  • Thank you for all the effort you put in to this guide. I have found it immensely useful in the early and mid-periods of my games so far.

    The two area's which remain a confusion for me at present and which I feel would be a yseful addition to the text are:

    1. Something about Trade, and the best strategy for exploiting it. At the moment I really don't understand it and so tend to ignore it, giving any trade developments very low priority. But I'm not sure if that's the best strategy.

    2. The other aspect relates to the military/naval strategy for the end game phase. I've read various idea's on how best to deploy fleets but nothing which i would call a considered strategy. The ‘Blockade strategy' (e.g. leaving fleets at the exits to warp lanes) only seems to work well during the early game when enemy fleets can't warp across voids in space. It would interestng to hear your view on this tricky subject.

  • Andrew, I did not do the math, but you can't just look at this table and forget other elements. For instance, many upgrades give a bonus proportional to the population size. And Type I planets such as terran or ocean can have the largest population.

    Moreover, in the late game, you can turn all your food surplus into production, and food output can be huge on Type I planets.

    I don't know exactly what's the best possible planet for each type of output considering all the possible upgrades, but a big type I planet with a large population and upgrades can do wonder

  • Thank you yog-sothot, that helps. I posted my question on the Endless Space forums and received plenty of guidance on the matter: http://forums.amplitude-studios.com/showthread.php?15203-Terraforming-is-it-worth-it.

  • Didz:

    Trade is measured in trade routes only; it's all exposed on the top right of the system screen. Overall, routes can be a huge benefit if you keep some things in mind. Few things I've figured out about it:

    1) It's one to one with foreign systems. If you have 10 systems, and there are only 4 other occupied systems, you will only have 4 trade routes, depending on the other empire's tech/buildings.
    2) They automatically get up and shift around, I assume for the best profit.
    3) If you are at war, you cannot have trade routes with that empire. This can be shocking sometimes when you declare war on an empire and your economy takes a hit; you need to prep and usually want to avoid war with multiple factions at once.
    4) The buildings for trade routes can be a huge money sink if you aren't filling the routes up. If your systems say the routes are 1 active out of 4 possible, sell some buildings.
    5) As you advance, if you only have a few routes you can take advantage of, sell off other buildings in other systems and focus on getting the best buildings for trade in only the systems that have (preferably with a hero for even more bonuses).
    6) You need to discover the other systems to have trade with them. That shouldn't be a problem since you should always explore the entire map as standard procedure, anyway.
    7) Alliances and Co-Op pacts help trade, but they are just nice additions, not vital for trade to work at all.

    Overall, the concept of trade itself is easy once you start seeing the pattern, but it does add to the micromanagement you have to do end game. If you declare war on a faction and lose trade routes, you are much better off selling buildings and saving the cash rather than having them sit there doing nothing. And then, of course, if you declare peace you'll want to rebuild to make sure you are maxxing trade routes out.

  • Can you trust the A.I. or is it really better to manage your systems manually?

  • Thank you for this great guide. I have a question. I have the v1.0.3 but theres no 'Automatons' to be selected. Is this something you have to creat or what am I missing out on?

    I got 9 different factions but theres no Automatons. Im a bit confused. Thanks again for this great guide it really made my day :)

  • Mac os x 10.5 dmg free download. Useless guide. You need to fcous EVERY game, dont care what race are you playing, in militar technology tree cause ever pirates or anothes races go fight you at the end o fgame.

    Its completely useless have all systems happy, good dust per round, good technology points or so if you cant defend or attack.

    Its sad but military is a priorityt every game no matter what.

  • First, great guide. Thanks. Has shed much light on dark corners of the game for me. A few questions. Any idea if the computer cheats based on skill level? My friends and I get together and play some matches against the computer. The higher the skill level we set, it seems the computer excels far faster on the tech tree and outputs way more ships. Do you know if the skill level determines how much faster the computer can build stuff?

    Second, Is there any way to get the game to register a win while you are allied or will you always have to disband your alliance and fight each other to the death?

  • Excellent guide, man! Though, I think everybody'd like to see the most optimal way to queue science research at the beginning. Because as for me, I always hesitate what to research next and i think it affects my system development in a great way. So, it will be great to see the optimal science queue.

  • Hi Pete, Many thanks for this guide. I've played several games now, won some, lost some.
    Among the several advices I found your website as been the one I found the post useful, it helps beginners.

    I'll still try to play Cravers.

    I found very interesting playing Sowers, although it became micromanaging at some point.
    Thanks again,
    Tha's a very good job!

  • I'm confused. but in Harmony, there is no way you can have 10x Armor on a ddn class ship. that would be 660 weight, while the total ship only has about 440 (at the relevant tech lvl)…

    Are your ideas based on the classic model or am I missing something?

  • Really appreciate this guide, I picked up the Endless Legend Early Access, and then used the 50% off coupon to get Endless Space. I was pretty much completely lost, losing even to the newbie AI, but this guide is really well put together and I think it helped me get over the initial 'what the hell do I do' phase.

    • Thanks for the feedback, John! Glad it was of use to you :-)

    • Hey I did the same thing, can't wait till Endless Legend is more polished and I'll spend more time there, in the mean time I really like Endless Space.

      • I've got a copy of Endless Legend from Amplitude, once I have time to seriously sink my teeth into that, I'll see about creating a guide for that as well.

  • I've recently begun playing Endless Space thanks to a good sale on Steam. It's been a lot of fun so far playing it, and I think this guide is great, however I was wondering if you'd ever consider Race specific guides since each one has it's own pros, cons, and style of play.

    • Thank you for the suggestion, J2G. We'll take this into consideration for the future :)

  • Wow Ty so much for this guide. Now I know why I was noobing so much.

  • I played Hissho for 2 times. Lost it (2 times) on easy difficulty -,- before reading this guide. I just wonder, shall i just change the race, cose it's too difficult or just play another since I know the ropes.

    • Well, now that you played twice, hopefully you have an idea of your play style, so you can make a custom race.

  • Salvettic

    Really wonderfull guide, hope you get time to do an Endless Legend guide similar to this one!

  • A really good combo that I found for custom faction is Amoeba and the trait that reveals all resources from turn 1. (I forgot the name.) Being able to see a lot of systems and the resources they have helps a lot, especially on small maps. (I played my first game on small, so I could see exactly where everyone else was and what resources they could grab, as well as what ones I could get for early monopolies.) It works really well and makes it really easy to spot the best systems and planets as soon as possible.

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